Firstly my Gr,Gr,Gr Grandfather was not a Russian LIEUTENANT, he was a Lieutenant in the Prussian infantry, who came to Liverpool after the war with Napoleon to work in the newly setup Prussian bank of commerce, that was opened to improve the trade between the two empires. Myers , a london builder who had the affair with Mary was fined £7000 by a military british court as my ancestor still held his commission in the prussian army and were allies of Great Britain.This can be found in the Aldershot military gazzette of the time.
Firstly my Gr,Gr,Gr Grandfather was not a Russian LIEUTENANT, he was a Lieutenant in the Prussian infantry, who came to Liverpool after the war with Napoleon to work in the newly setup Prussian bank of commerce, that was opened to improve the trade between the two empires. Myers , a london builder who had the affair with Mary was fined £7000 by a military british court as my ancestor still held his commission in the prussian army and were allies of Great Britain.This can be found in the Aldershot military gazzette of the time.